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Our Human Design comprises nine centers, thirty-six channels, and sixty-four gates, each of which can be open or closed, connected or absent, on or off. There are several parts and potential combinations, but suffice to say that how these centers, channels, and gates interact contributes to our overall Human Design.

Reflectors are the rarest of the five categories, accounting for around 1% of the population.

What distinguishes them?

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR NINE CENTERS IS UNDEFINED, implying that they lack inner Authority to guide them.

Here’s an analogy

SOLAR types include Generators, Manifesting Generators, Manifestors, and Projectors. Just as the sun generates its own light, these types generate their own energy through at least one distinct center.

Reflectors are LUNAR in nature; they mirror, absorb, or enhance the energies of the other types through their nine open centers, just as the moon does not generate its own light and instead REFLECTS the light of the sun.

How can we support a Reflector?

Recognize Them!

The ultimate dread of reflectors is becoming invisible. Inquire about their thoughts and observations, as there is a wealth of knowledge there. Allow them to feel things out when you go out with them. Allow them to leave early if they are uncomfortable, and try not to take it personally.

Don’t force them to make a decision!

They desperately need the time and space to sort things out in a 28-day lunar cycle. Be a terrific sounding board and only offer advice when requested, even if you know exactly what they should do. They must feel it to be fully anchored and dedicated to their course of action.

Don’t take their erratic behavior personally.

Their mood changes based on where they are and who they are around daily. Just keep in mind that they, too, struggle from time to time to determine what is consistent and steady inside themselves.

Bring your Reflector outside.

Take them hiking or go to the beach. Anywhere that is peaceful, pleasant, and isolated in nature is extremely useful since it allows them to release all of the energies they’ve accumulated. Reflectors do poorly in large crowds because they are overstimulated. Don’t be offended if your Reflector goes off to have some alone time. When they’re ready, they’ll return their soothing, relaxing effect.

Do you know anyone who is a Reflector? How do you cope with them?

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