The Bodygraph highlights that a person has Nine Centers, which are responsible for the distribution and transformation of all the energy required by the human body to live a content life. Each of the Centers is responsible for a specific area

  • The Throat Center, also known as the Manifestation Center, permits the human mind to present itself physically as a “voice” or “action.” The Throat Center allows us to express our ideas, enables vocal communication, and facilitates interpersonal engagement
  • Head and Root Pressure Centers let us “know” (think) and “do” things (survive). They also channel energy into three different awareness centers. The root pressure causes an adrenaline rush, which catalyzes progress.
  • Mindfulness Centers: The Ajna, Splenic, and Solar Plexus Centers interpret our experience as mind, body, and spiritual awareness. However, awareness becomes a feature of our consciousness and mind
  • Root (movement impulse), Sacral (creative vitality), Heart (willpower), and Solar Plexus are the four motor energy centers (desire for new experience). On a material level, they all ensure our survival
  • House of the Higher Self – G Center: This is the umbilical cord that links us with the Universe, where individual energy connects with the flow of life.

The Throat Center

In Human Design, the Throat Center is the energy of communication and manifestation.

Words have tremendous power and significance in the creative process. It’s tough to know things when you don’t know how to describe them. How the throat is constructed (for example, which gates are defined) will affect how and what someone may materialize and talk about. How you speak is what defines your voice.

The Throat Center is linked to the endocrine system, which controls our metabolism and is responsible for change and metamorphosis. It is the one that manages energy flow, decides our look and motion, and determines whether we are tiny or huge, filled or empty.

Crown Center

The triangle at the very top of your Bodygraph is the Head or Crown Center. It controls your Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland controls the flow of information in our bodies. Our 7th Chakra is also connected to the Pineal Gland. This is where we go in Human Design when we have questions that need solutions when we have doubts, and when we are confused. This is where we try to make sense of what’s going on around the globe. We’re not supposed to take action from here because it’s not a motor center like the Ajna. This is not our decision-making power. The more we can decondition from this belief, the more we will be free to harness the energy of this Center for creativity and greater quality of life.

Root Center

If you have this Center open, you are sensitive to taking on others, as with all Open Centers. Because you don’t have regular access to your own adrenaline, others work to trigger stress in your body’s system. This increased pressure from others is uncomfortable; therefore, your natural instinct is to react as soon as possible so you can get out of it! Suppose you don’t give yourself a reasonable time to complete an activity or feel obliged to agree to an impossible deadline. In that case, you’ll likely make mistakes, and you’ll have to go back and fix them or even start over again.

Ajna Center

The Ajna is one of your body’s three Awareness Centers (Spleen and Solar Plexus being the other two). Ajna awareness is all about mind-consciousness, which is why we live with the idea of needing to make mental decisions. When we use our mind as a decision-making tool – which is not its function – we might worry about the future, regret, or obsess over the past because of this mind-consciousness that can conceptualize things outside the realm of the current moment.

Solar Plexus Center

The Solar Plexus is the only place in your Bodygraph that functions as a motor as well as an “awareness center” (the Ajna and Splenic being your other awareness centers). It helps develop consciousness, dominated by its motor function, undergoing a thousand-year change that will culminate in 2027. The consciousness of seeing oneself as a single being, or “oneness,” is emerging in our Solar Plexus Center.

Heart Center

The Heart Center is a little triangle between the diamond-shaped G-Center and the Solar Plexus Center on the right side of the Bodygraph. Although it is shown as a smaller center than the others, it is a powerful motor of will and ego that drives our capacity to manifest things in the physical realm. It corresponds to our own sense of worth as well as the value of objects outside of us.

G Center

The G Center is where we keep track of who we are. It’s the place where you may find self-love, direction, and meaning. It’s also the location of the Magnetic Monopole, which serves as a constant reminder of who we are and where we’re going. The Magnetic Monopole, unlike a magnet, only pulls things toward you.

We think of the passenger, which is our personality (includes everything we see in black on our chart). This is our Conscious (Mind) side, which provides for who we identify ourselves as, who we connect with, and how we make decisions. We have a body, which we see in red, and a design. This is our unconscious body, the vehicle transporting us to our destination.

Sacral Center

The Sacral Center is the gut feeling in Human Design. It’s a situational responder, so those with definitions have a Strategy – to Respond. It urges us to abandon the notion that our heads are the most knowledgeable and instead listen to our inner selves. For example, if you have Emotional Authority, it takes precedence over everything else, but that doesn’t mean you’re not also tapping into wisdom. We’re usually competent at answering ’Yes’ or ’No’ questions (those that connect us to our inner uh-huh and uh uh). If our response is hazy, the question may need to be clarified, or perhaps it’s just not the right inquiry.

Spleen Center

The Spleen is the inward-facing triangle on the BolyGraph’s left side, and it will be either white (open) or brown (closed) (defined). The Spleen Center is one of three centers involving our sense of self. It deals with our fundamental impulses (the other two being the Ajna and Solar Plexus). Though it is the smallest of the three centers, our Splenic intelligence is linked to our survival awareness. The Solar Plexus and Ajna’s voices can readily overwhelm its warnings.